☆Spiritual Super Bundle☆

☆Spiritual Super Bundle☆

$ 60.00
Item id: 15668
Availability: in stock

☆Spiritual Super Bundle☆

Note:NO REFUNDS ON ANY SPIRITUAL ITEM •Look at all pic before buying if you have any questions message me plz.
This is a super bundle.
1. "1"Oya/ Also known as Oyá or Oiá; Yansá or Yansã; & Iansá or Iansã 
>Spiritual Offering>NOT STATUE
2. "1"Oshun Also known as Ochún/Oxúm>Spiritual Offering>NOT STATUE
3. "1"Esu/ Elegba Also known as Papa Elegba>Spiritual Offering>NOT STATUE
3."1"Black Sal
4."1"Indigo Sal
5."1"Fast Action/ Adventure Fast Money
6."2"Palo Santo Sticks
7. "1"Palo Santo Spiritual Oil
8. "1"Spiritual Bath Glass Tube.... Note"Only use what''s in the "GLASS TUBE"[DO NOT ADD SOAP]
9. "1"Organic Rosemary Oil...This can be put into you spiritual bath...3 to 4 drop....can be used in hair, on face...good for eczema psoriasis and other skin conditions...this product was made out of love and good intentions... was hand-made & hand-poured... all products are Organic and was been cleansed with SAGE, ROSEMARY, LAVENDER & A LOT OF LOVE...
If you have any questions message me plz....